Screened Bottom Boards for ventilation & controling pests

You know, maybe we should try this… New name for it - the semi-screened, semi-almost-solid bottom board! SSSASBB - Patent Pending… :smile:

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…6 months of walking but not potty trained…


At least your OCD meant that you went to the loo on the same piece of hallway carpet…BAHAHAHAHAHAH!

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Sorry if this seems a silly question, but here goes - why is there a problem with bigger spaces in the mesh? If the bees can get through it, does it really matter? They can always get back in the hive via the entrance??? Maybe I’m missing something really obvious here!

If bees can get through so do other things.
Wasps, robber bees…

Ah ok, thanks :blush: I’ve been told that hive beetle can’t walk on the mesh though and they fall through, so that’s a plus for the mesh anyway!

Plus if you have a SHB oil trap under the screened bottom board the bees will fall in also.


I have the coreflute at the top level for winter, but when it was lower I’d seal the back of the opening as a way to trap SHB (the few I saw) when they’d fall, but every time I’d see 3 or 4 dead bee’s that would get under the screen and die…

I think my screen is okay, as no bees are passing though, but the SHB is doing my head in.