Bees absconded. Here's what happened

Hi Weber, Merry Christmas. I did some extracting today & noticed the first of the Jellybush honey appeared in a few frames, which normally starts about now, & continues through January & into Feb. That has a beautiful aroma & flavor. We’re a bit fortunate that our regular honey always has a nice flavor & aroma as well.

Hi Jeff. I noticed some of my frames for spinning had patches of manuka.
My own fault, I planted over 50 jelly bush on our land.
If the same patches appear in the flow frames, I reckon I’ll get some leaking through the brood box.
How do you extract the manuka? I have a spiky roller, but haven’t used it yet.
The manuka that remained in the stickies, I just gave it back to the bees for now.

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Hi Web, I don’t get a great deal of it. The most I got was 30 kg for a season. I use a stiff table spoon to scrape it down to the foundation, while being careful not to break through. The first side is easier than the second side, as you can imagine. If a frame is full of it, I’ll cut the whole frame out, before fitting fresh foundation.

I like the idea of some going back to the bees, especially the colonies that didn’t find any, on account that I think it’s a good medication for them. It only comes in at my main site, so therefore I can return stickies from my main site to my other two sites, plus the nucs I have at home here.

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