Calendar for activities

Hi all

I’ve made a calendar for seasonal activities noting the different months for the northern and southern hemispheres. It has no details for Varoa mite, as we don’t have them in Australia, but if you do have them, you should be able to add info.

If you add info, please make it clear that it is e.g. for Varoa mite, so those who don’t have it can ignore it if they wish, e.g. maybe prefix with ‘Varoa:’.

This calendar is for care of the bees using organic methods only.

best wishes


That’s nice work. It might be more useful to suggest people download the file and then use it as a template and adapt it to your own region, adding in regionally specific issues and topics.

modifying the calender I’m guessing.

I’m looking into it @Brother_Joe_Smith - I work a bit with google doc’s.

Thanks for your work :smile:

When you click on the link -

Click on the open with “Connected apps” - google sheets.

Then you can go in there and edit the doc.

Is this what you meant?

Great work, Brother Joe.

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modifying the spreadsheet

Hi sara, thanks for the suggestion.

Yes, that can be done anyway, but a negative point in that case would be, those from other areas, might not be introduced to new ideas or possibilities.

I’d rather like to see a heading or note for area specific practices. Then if someone downloads it, they could just delete what they didn’t need.

best wishes

Thanks Faroe,

I can get to that, but it seemed that I couldn’t save the edited doc back, so changes would be on the original.

Any ideas?

best wishes

I’ve moved the spreadsheet to OneDrive (with Microsoft) and changed the link accordingly.

Please let me know if there are any troubles saving edits/adding info.

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The link doesn’t seem to work any more? Does the file still exist?

Hi Faroe

looks like it’s gone

If you msg me I could send it to you, otherwise, I’ll try to make it generally available again.

best wishes

Thanks :slight_smile: Flow was looking for a worldwide calendar of beekeeping activities, so I wondered how many people had contributed to your document.
Beekeeping timing varies so much around the world, it would be nice if we could all collaborate on something like this to make it easier for the newbees :honeybee:


Hi Faroe

I hope to update the link, or make a new one in the next few days.

Only I have made the document, with input from my mentor, but I intend to have it open, so anyone can contribute.

I have tried to make the document compatible between northern and southern hemispheres.

best wishes


Thank you :slight_smile: That’s really nice of you, thanks for your time :slight_smile: :sunflower:

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Somehow I missed this the first time but am excited to find it now & eager to see if we can get it going again. @Brother_Joe_Smith & @Faroe :grinning: Thanks!


Hi all
It’s my birthday today (53) and I actually got to this.
Let’s see if I can solve it.
best wishes


tried to re-upload to MS OneDrive twice, but had an error

Hi all

at lest here’s a link to the file on dropbox, so people can access it

maybe people can change and save it back there

If not, then they could send changes to me and I reupload

best wishes

Happy birthday Brother Joe. :tada:

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