Cappings and storage of Flow Frames

They are both electromagnetic radiation, consisting of differently energized photons - gamma is vastly more energetic than UV (1,000 times or more). This chart shows you how much more energy gamma has than UV or even X-rays, but they are all photon-based:

Gamma radiation penetrates solid materials much more deeply than UV radiation, but both of them damage plastics over time, gamma radiation faster than UV, because it is more “ionizing”, altering the structure of the molecules in the plastic. That is why Flow says that the plastic frames can only be sterilized 3 times with gamma radiation.

I think they don’t say how long it is OK to leave the frames in the sun, because leaving them in sunlight is avoidable. If you have AFB, gamma irradiation may not be avoidable. :nerd_face:

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So am I right in thinking that Flow frames could be dried in the shade after washing them. I am maybe overcautious about plastics and direct sunlight but I have seen plastics left in the sun for several months become brittle, things like pot plants that one would assume should last for at least a few years.

I think it is all a question of degree. Even shade has UV. Heck, even interior halogen lamps have some UV in them. Just the more UV you expose the plastic to, the faster the frames will degrade. Your frames, your choice. Mine will be drying inside. :blush:

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Ok, you have given me a better picture on the subject so a thank you for that.