I’m still looking for a local mentor; my current senior mentor is about 120 miles away from me in Yuba City and we don’t get together that often. My other mentor is about 500 miles away from me in San Diego, but he’s on his first hive and only has about 8 months more experience than I do.
If the honey is local and you trust the source it should be quite ok. It’s just that a few more spores could make for an outbreak, especially if your bees just escaped one. Who knows. Even if there is no confirmed AFB in the donor apiary, there could be a few spores in the honey that ‘break the camel’s back’.
I just looked at the picture with your honey jar and it looked quite foreign.
You meant well, but risking AFB is never worth it. Sugar water will do.
Hi Avi, after taking another look at your bees, I’m sort of wondering if you’d be better off to house those bees in a smaller hive, or even have them on 3or4 frames & also use a follower board.
At this point, isn’t it too late to transfer them to a smaller hive @JeffH? Wouldn’t it be a major disruption for them, considering it’s currently mid-summer here? I agree that it’s a very, VERY small quantity of bees, but I’m not sure if messing with them further at this point will help.
I don’t think it’s too late. If I didn’t have a smaller box, I’d make a follower board & use that, then put the crown board on top. Confine the bees to a smaller space for them to cool down.
It would be fantastic if you had access to the odd half frame of brood, every 7-10 days.