Complete hive loss from Varroa Mites this winter

That’s a great idea! I think I’ll ask my sign guy to cut me a piece the size of the inspection board to slide in like you described if I cant find a good sized piece at Home Depot. Right now they are on solid bottom boards as I was fighting to many HB’s and Wax Moths as well as Varroa last year and wanted to over winter well.

If you put a slatted rack on top of the solid bottom board, you will also have more room for vaporizing OA. I love these because they improve ventilation, allow the queen to lay lower in the brood box and they keep the bees and wax away from my Arnia instruments and OA. :blush:

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I think as far as hive components go the bottom boards/stands are the hardest thing for me. Seems I have 2 types for 1 hive. Winter solid and summer ventilated. I wish I had 1 that combined a pull out solid board with a slide in screen and corrugated white varroa count inspection board. Oh and let’s not forget inflammable! :grinning: I’m excited to get the new flow 2 stand. Thanks for the excellent suggestions as I’m going to see about flashing or stainless sheets at Home Depot.

So those crystals are all the urine from the Varroa? I didn’t know that. Thanks!

I’m letting my package build in NF32 (32mm) deep frames vs. regular deep frames this time around.

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Dayum! Now I’m grossed out and feeling like I need to kill more of the little varroa bastages cuz my bees don’t need to be yucked on. I know that diatribe was non scientific but I just couldn’t keep that in.


You kill those little ice holes, Martha :wink::joy:


I’m working it! I’m armed with strips, vaporizers and oxcilic acid powder, a riding lawnmower battery to power up and a cloth. Now to get Dawn SD’s flashing to keep the hive inflammable.

I stewed on this overnight and it’s really a great solution. Thanks again!

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Ermmmm, non-flammable? :blush: :wink: :rofl: :fire_engine: :fire:

Flammable = Inflammable = bad for hives :smile:

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Glad you knew what I meant. :smiley: Since college all my grammar and spelling has fallen out of my head. It baffles me at times.

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