Exterior Hive Protection

Melt 4½oz. of beeswax in double pan and then add 1 pint of proper turpentine, not substitute. Raise temperature to about 80C/180F.

In another pan, preferably with a pouring lip, dissolve ½oz. of soap flakes in 1 pint hot water. Adjust temperature to 80C/180F.

Remove from heat.

Start stirring the wax with a hand whisk at slow speed… (I use just one of the whisks and I heat it up so that the wax doesn’t solidify on it immediately.
Very slowly pour the soap solution in (slow like you were making mayonnaise)

Keep stirring it for a while till you get a good emulsion.
It should keep forever in jars

It’s an absolute faff doing it but it produces some great stuff that cleans and polishes in one go…excellent for furniture too