Fred Oertli, Sydney

There are a lot of posts on the forum discussing this. Here is one of the main links, which I found by using the Forum search tool at the upper right of this page:

Personally, I harvest the super on the hive, and let the bees take the cappings off for a day or two. Then I wrap each frame in cling film (plastic wrap) and freeze it for at least 48 hours to kill off any wax moths and SHB eggs/larvae. The wrapped frames then go into a large plastic bag which gets tightly tied off to prevent access for pests and I keep it in my garage until spring.

If I had a bigger freezer, I would probably just leave the frames in there over winter.

If there is honey in the drainage channel, I would rinse that out before wrapping the frames, but mine were empty. There was no need for any other cleaning in my frames. The bees readily took to them when I put them back on the hive this year.