Good Intentions Going Astray

When I split my hive the intention was to have one hive with single brood and the other with a double brood. So I could compare single brood verses double brood in my area.
All went to plan in the beginning with the strongest hive getting the second brood box when the base brood box was about 85% full.

Both hives started thrive and I soon found the single brood box hive was in need of extra space. I put a QE on and placed on a second box (pseudo or temporary super ) as it was only there to give room for more bees to strengthen the hive. I put in frame boxes to start so the bees didn’t have cold stress at night. Step forward to this week with the false frames out and all the frames in this pseudo super are getting full very quickly. So very shortly I want to put the Flow super on.
Questions: re plan to have all the bees in the hive now in a single brood with a single flow super

  1. If I put the pseudo super (which I did not have intentions of having) above the Flow super will the bees in the super make their way down at night enabling me to just take off that box leaving all the bees in the brood and flow super. Or would they just transit to and fro the flow super into the top super and carry on.
  2. If Q.1 doesn’t happen would I just shake all the bees from the temporary super frames into the brood box.
  3. Any other suggestions. I did not think the hive could handle the cold Spring nights with the flow super on, that’s why I did not put the flow on initially…maybe I should have.

This post is probably clear as mud, so ask away if you would like clarification.

Not if it is warm weather. They will just stay up there if they have stuff to do. :blush:

That would be a good way to do it, yes. As long as the frames are wired… :open_mouth:

Thanks Dawn I thought that would be the case and the frames are wired.

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Bee escape between the flow super and pseudo super on top?


Could you use the brood box full of honey to create a new hive. The foundation is drawn.

You describe brood chamber as 85% full of bees. So a really good active hive. You describe a really good supply of food available in the hive.

Therefore I think the bees would cope well with a cool night. In the UK we say bees don’t die of cold temperatures they die because of no food or other issues like dripping condensation. The bees will generate lots of heat to keep the hive to temperature. If it is genuinely cold they will I am sure cluster.

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:slightly_smiling_face: I could but I am trying my hardest to limit my hives to two.:innocent:

They probably would, but my thinking at the time was “thats a big space up there to keep warm”. What I should have done …in hind sight was to put the flow super on with say 3 frames and take up the space with my box frames till the 3 frames were getting full, then take out the boxes and put the other frames in. Silly Wilfred.

Good answer.

So your third hive could just be a 5 frame nucleus. Which you will only use for an emergency queen and to constantly or regularly remove brood to add to your existing 2 hives.

Also you could sell your nuc. Should you have nowhere to put your frames of brood just offer them up free or in exchange for something to local beekeepers.

But I think the benefit of a nuc to a beekeeper is immense. The polynucs are so cheap to buy and much cheaper than buying a new queen.

In UK a new queen is maybe £50 but a brand new nuc is £38. The brand new nuc comes without frantic activity, emotional worry, extra trips to the hives, sleepless nights, and the guilt of getting it wrong. Oh haven’t mentioned the feeling of stupidity.

Just incase the above paragraph is taken out of context I am accurately and fully describing my very own experience(s).

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Really? They are around $200 for a 5 frame nucleus in the US! Thirty-eight quid sounds way too cheap - barely covers the cost of the box, frames and foundation. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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I think it’s best to make sure we are comparing like for like. The link below which doesn’t probably link it as wonderfully as you post. Includes a video etc. And pretty much 2 days delivery. It’s now £39.50. That doesn’t include new frames and foundation. Which is fine because I would prefer to use older frames and drawn foundation.

I think one US YouTube channel has reviewed it.

It is 6 frame allowing a split into 2 mating nucs, open floor, feeding tray, two entrances to accommodate choice of having 2 mating nucs.

I like it. Using two of these side by side you can do an artificial swarm x2 and keep your existing hive with queen.

They must have similar in US or assuming it’s same standard get it shipped to you.

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Spot on! In the US and I think Australia, a “nucleus” refers to a box of 4 or 5 frames with bees, a queen, 2 frames of food, at least 1.5 frames of brood and perhaps an empty frame.

I think what you are referring to is just a nucleus “box”. A nice one in the US would cost about $25 to $30. Frames are about $1.50 each and foundation is just over $1 per sheet for deep beeswax.

The bees and time on top of that are a whole different story.

So I am thinking that you are describing spare equipment, whereas I am giving the price for a fully occupied and busy nucleus of bees on drawn frames with stores and brood. :blush:

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I can only apologise for causing such excitement. I would say ‘nuc of bees’ or ‘overwintered nuc’.

I did however guess the terminology was different.


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