I’m sorry if I came across condescending. I could have said any brand, a car add was just the first thing that pops into mind, with buying something, but also needing knowledge beforehand to use it.
In my long comment, I mentioned we are using feedback to improve.
By the initial video not having enough information for everyone, to then creating the faqs as I listed above, means that as a company we are in fact acting on feedback and questions from customers and providing advice and feedback.
Maybe you didn’t get that point of mine. It’s all good, I’m just explaining it from one perspective and you are explaining it from another.
Maybe you didn’t see the whole topic I created asking for feedback so that we can impove our manual…
I am on the forum trying to help Flow customers, and so are the other forum members, sometime’s I am a human being though, and have to put my human emotional reaction in as well (opinion).
I did not mean to be derogatory, I thought I stated my thoughts in an objective way, but alas, in a world of words on a screen, we can’t always see tone and body language.
Here is another thread on the topic, which you might find some handy info on - How to encourage bees to use the Flow Frames
I hope we can help you to get some honey in your Flow Frames soon, and yes, I have taken your advice and passed it on to the Flow team to improve our communication with people interested in Flow.