OK so how do you feel about this?

Sorry Jeff - fireplace just won’t cut it. You guys will just have to eat 'em raw now
alternatively a dark frypan in the baking sun and fry them up…:grimacing:

@JeffH I was going to give you your fireplace but then I read @Dan2’s post and realised I wasn’t thinking clear :wink: I’ll give the fry pan and sun option though :laughing:

Out of interest, how would you describe the taste?

Hi, the flavor in Wilma’s words: It has a subtle sweet flavor, it is fluffy & pleasant on the palate. The hardest thing is getting your head around the fact that you’re eating grubs, that is both our thoughts.

A nic name for prawns is “grubs”. Most of us relish prawns. Prawns are basically scavengers.

If you are what you eat, bee larvae/pupae is royal jelly, pollen & honey, in a clean pristine environment. It can’t be all that bad. It’s the brood that bears & honey badgers tolerate many stings for, not the honey, as some people might think.

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prawns are also essentially insects - except they have a few too many legs… Still- I’d much rather eat a prawn than a grub.

But it really is all in the mind- our ancestors all would have greatly enjoyed juicy protein rich grubs- just as recent generations enjoyed tripe, liver, brains, tongue, etc. All of which I find disgusting and have zero desire to eat. However I am sure if I was starved for around 7 days: I’d LOVE them all. On that Bear Grylls Island show you see how happy people are to drink foul muddy ditch water after a few days dehydrating in the sun: they LOVE it. Best drink they’ve ever had.

Basically we are spoiled for choice these days.

BTW- your fritters look great: it would be interesting to feed them to various people broken into two groups: one that knows what’s in it - and one that’s told it is prawn meat or similar. Then compare their reactions… It’s probably unethical but…


Hi @JeffH
when I was cleaning drones out of my Flow frame last spring (don’t ask me about the qx please :grimacing:) I saved all the juicy grubs for our neighborhood birds. I left them on a plate at the edge of our garden box. They were a hot item while they lasted.

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Hullo Jack,
I’ll bet you could find some Seattlites willing to try. They’re selling cricket flour at our co-op. :cricket::cookie::face_with_hand_over_mouth:
Hasn’t made its way into my pantry yet, but I am impressed with its high protein content and small footprint.

Well done Tracey :slight_smile: They ARE good value. It’s the brood that bears & honey badgers mainly target. The sweet honey is a side issue. They tolerate a lot of stings in order to reach the protein rich brood.