Oxalic Vaporizer won't fit w/ flow hive

I don’t remember your setup, but if you have a super on the hive, you should not officially use OA vapor. Either remove it first, or consider MAQS, which can be used with a super in place. :wink:

No super on (yet) – will consider doing a second brood box when the girls have built up on the primary brood box appropriately. There won’t be a super until next year, I think.

Now I just have to get a handle on the hive beetles I’m seeing… I killed about 6 of them last time I opened the hive.

In that case, OAV is a great idea. You just have to do the 3 treatments at 5 day intervals. :blush:

So – that brings the next question, of course…

Which OA vaporizer is recommended by the more experienced users here?

I like this one:

They all work, but the Varrox seems to have a lower profile (less chunky), so it fits my hives without issues.

The Varrox doesn’t fit through the entrance of my flow hive. I vaporize from under the screen, but everything must be sealed up well.


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