When to Start Checker boarding in Northern Hemisphere?

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Do you peel and stone them before freezing, @JeffH? The video looks like you cut about 10-20kg of them! :blush:

Hi @Dawn_SD & @Dee, I freeze them with the skin on, they’re fantastic to peel half thawed out as a desert, a bowl of those does me for desert.

I must have got a hundred kilos in that video, I had to heave heaps behind that year. This time it was slower going but we still got 50 or 60 kilos. I got them in the freezers as quick as I could before it got too hot. This year the farmer had a lot of hail damage, most of the mangoes got wiped out. Last year I overloaded on mangoes & only got a few buckets of lychees. This year its only lychees.

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Fascinating stuff, thanks Jeff and Wilma!


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Wow…they are very expensive here. I love them :slight_smile: