Yes and you need no brood. It won’t work on varroa under caps
I know I don’t have the right Set up but I think now is the time to treat.
I agree with @Dee, please don’t use the trickle method at this time of year. It won’t work. If you must treat with the super on, buy some MAQS. Just be aware that you will lose some bees, and you may lose your queen too, especially if the weather gets hot.
Thank you both. Yes I’ll wait till fall to treat
That may be too late. What are your sugar roll mite counts?
If you don’t have the OAV setup, maybe somebody at your local club could loan or “rent” you one?
I don’t have that set up. When do you suggest treating? And what method if I don’t have OAV?
I treat when I have more than 5 mites per 100 bees on a sugar roll count, or if I see bees with signs of DWV.
If don’t have the OAV setup, and you can’t afford to get one or borrow one, you have several choices.
If the Flow super is still on, MAQS are the only choice.
If the Flow super is off, you could use:
- Apivar strips (I don’t think they killed your bees last year. Using them too late killed the bees)
- Apiguard (thymol treatment)
There is an excellent article here with descriptions of how to count, and what treatment choices you have. It doesn’t give a fair comment about OAV, I think because it hasn’t been used for long in the US, but otherwise it is very detailed and complete:
There is an article here (about half way down the blog) which describes the various choices in some detail, as viewed by a novice beekeeper.
Remember, OAV kills 95% of phoretic mites. The major mite load is under the brood capping’s. In the Northeast, this might be a good week to use Formic Pro with these cooler temps and rain that is in the forecast.
Me, I don’t mess around, Apivar works the best.
For now.
I used it on one colony in desperation last year.
Food for thought in my last 24 hours of Varroa management on my hives:
I have two vapor treatments in and also found several, probably ten, dead mites on the bottom board.
@loganWHD pull up YouTube and search Varroa treatment. I bought the insect vaporizer and OA and used it with the alcohol mix. It works
Thank you! I will. Probably will switch to that method
Rye are you using the fogger or the vaporizer? I am going to try the fogger in next few days. Do you wear a respirator?
@Bubba I have the fogger by Burgess. It has the yellow plastic canister at the bottom that I screw off and screw on a glass canning jar after all is mixed. Works very well
Thanks. I have the same fogger. I will try it soon.
it’s done… and it was a pain in the ass. I also used wire as the rubber bands were hard to work with. We will re-check on Saturday. .
Well done! Rubber bands can be tricky, especially with very fragile new comb, but it sounds like you worked it out.
it did. that first pic is how the four frames were. I just rotated it up and tied it. I couldn’t take any more pics. My hands were covered in honey and this hive is a little mean anyway w/out us messing with theirs.
on another note. I found a wax moth larvae in the bottom board corflute. It came out from in the board. No sign the hive is in trouble. I quickly stomped on this thing…