

Started Beekeeping October 2016 with one hive after 45years out of the game. In November 2017 I expanded to a second hive. I use Broodminder to monitor weight, temp and humidity. Built my own hot wax dipping rig to treat my and other’s hives.

By April 2020, I steadily expanded the apiary to 12 hives. Currently two Flows, the rest wax foundation Langstroth. I’m on call to do swarm captures and cutouts, keeps me busy throughout the season. I’ve been using the Taranov split method for the last two seasons.

October 2022, obsessed beekeeper doing University of Florida Master Beekeeper program and Tocal Certificate III Beekeeping. Have a little YouTube channel - AussieMike’s Bees.

September 2023, the obsession continues. I have been the Biosecurity Officer of Amateur Beekeepers Australia for over a year, doing my bit to further recreational beekeeper’s knowledge and represent our interests to government and industry. It’s a challenging and rewarding path. I also do regular presentations to schools and non-beekeeping groups to promote better understanding and enthusiasm for honey bees and natives.

Finished off 2023 gaining my Certificate III Beekeeping at Tocal and my Master Beekeeper Certification with University of Florida. Now working on the Master Craftsman certification with UF.