Two combs drawn on one frame

Ideally I would post pictures to clarify, I will add some later this week after the next inspection -

Basically the first four frames are drawn out pretty much spot on, nice and vertical. The fifth has two parallel combs drawn out on one frame. If I scrape one off, the other will be very off center and vice versa. Looking for advice here, should I just take both combs off and make them start over? I know the issue is spacing, and have since corrected it. Thanks!

Cut one off, slice the crocked bit of the other off, push it into position then push it onto the frame so its straight. If the other bit is big enough you can squeeze it onto another frame as a starter. The bees will fix the squeezed bit and use the lower comb straightaway.

Of course, this depends on the size of the combs. If too small just cut off and put a good starter strip in. Also try putting empty foundationless frames between existing straight frames.



Since it’s mid-June, I’d move it to the outside, let any brood hatch out, then cut it off.

If it were September and it was full of resources, I’d leave it until Spring.

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I followed your advice and placed this frame all the way to the other side, I’ll let the eggs hatch and probably pull off one comb and see if I can push the other in line with the frame groove. The first three frames are perfectly formed.

Found a newly hatched queen on this frame for the first time, I was getting worried for a while. Thanks for the advice.

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She’s not that new. She’s been laying for over a week.

I would not throw away the comb. There is a good lot there to be attached to an empty frame.



I like this idea …

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I recently cleaned up a friends hive and it had a frame like that- with two combs. I cut them both out then rubber banded the best one back into the center of the frame. First i just tried to push the better one into the middle- but that just crushed the comb- better to cut it out.


Your 100% correct … Drawn comb is an awesome resource ! Sure don’t want to waste it ever. These honeybees would have that back in use FAST !

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I’m going to try that out. Since I have foundation less frames, do you just take one comb and sort of balance it in the bottom groove? Wondering how it will stay put, someone mentioned earlier about rubber banding it to the frame.

Rubber banding is the safest option. Easy to do too. The bees chew out the bands and toss them out of the hive when they are done. :smile:



I’ve seen this done n later the results. It works ! Here’s a pix I found on the net for example. Using one or more bands as Dawn explained how it saves a lot of useable honeycomb … . Many beekeepers that do colony cutouts use this method to use save perfectly great honeycomb.

It’s nice to have this trick/technic in your bag of tricks in keeping bees.

Good luck,