Hello, all -
Thank you in advance for any tips or advice. First time post for me.
I started my flow hive last year and started my top bar hive this year. My flow hive over-wintered very well and I did 5-6 oxalic acid vapor treatments back around the start of 2021 to decimate the varroa mite population.
It has been a very strong hive and I added a 2nd brood box to give room to expand in early April with 10 foundation-less frames in the 2nd brood box. After about 10 days, I opened the hive to discover the bees hadn’t drawn any comb on the empty frames.
I decided to “checkerboard” the empty frames with full frames and moved 5 full frames from the original brood box into the 2nd brood box. I kept feeding 1:1 sugar water during this time which may have been to my demise.
After about another 10 days, I opened the hive to discover they had been very busy drawing out new comb, however, the new comb was about 75% drone comb. My queen is healthy and is still laying many full frames (5-6) of worker brood, but the hive mentality decided to turn the vast majority of the 10 new frames into drone comb.
I took a few days to research and decided to take a somewhat drastic measure that I feel a little bit guilty about now. I purchased some plastic foundation frames and opened the hive and ended up replacing 7 out of the 10 newly drawn frames which had at least 2/3 drone comb drawn out. If the frame was 50/50 drone to worker comb, I left it alone.
I understand that the hive mentality wanted those drones or perhaps they were over-compensating trying to balance the drone/worker ratio, and I also understand it is always best to let nature decide how to manage itself. I will open the hive again today to see how they are doing with the foundation frames.
I’m just wondering if I made a mistake swapping out those 7 drone frames with foundation frames. My conscience is making me feel a bit of guilt about it which is probably silly.
Thanks again,