I am still going through beekeeping literature to refresh and update my knowledge about fundamentals of beekeeping. I thought, I can drop here some information I find curios and hope others may find it useful or, at least, interesting
Currently I am reading books authored by G.F. Taranov, and in his Industrial technology of production and processing of beekeeping products in chapter Comb building and nest expansion he touches on interesting additional uses of wax production frames.
Just a bit of information about wax production frames. These are usual unwired frames or even just only top planks with narrow strip of wax foundation given to a colony with one purpose only. To harvest pure wax. Another possible construction of such frames looks like this:
Building brood and honey frames is always a priority. But when all frames were built and necessary storage of spare comb was created, wax production frame could be given to bee colony and wax harvested by cutting it out every 2-5 days, leaving narrow strip of comb at the top. Wax is being harvested non-stop until major honey flow begins. In case when bees fill it with honey, it must extracted before cutting wax.
Besides of wax production these frames have some additional uses. First, bees satisfy their instinct for building drone comb on such frames and this reduce amount of drone cells in normal brood frames. Second, these frames could be used for less invasive colony monitoring. If bees stop building comb, it is good indication that colony is queenless or preparing to swarm.