Any advise for a newbie catching a swarm from the garden?

Hi… how did you go?

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It went well i have plenty of bees and there i love with there flow hive!

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It has been told to me by a bee expert to place a jar upside down of sugar water (1 part sugar, 2 parts water) with the lid pricked with holes just for a bee to get at it, on your center board with the round hole. I’m in the process of doing this now, good luck!

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I’m a professional beekeeper in Houston TX. We rescue and relocate beehives for a living. I’m very surprised the swarm stayed put for that long. Usually you have a few hours to a few days to catch a swarm. If possible, brush or shake the bees off the branch into an empty hive body.Then put the frames in a few at a time being careful not to smash the bees. I like to put pollen patty on the top frame with a front feeder full of sugar water 1:1 mix. It gets hot in Houston but if you can lock them inside the hive for just one night then your chances of the hive staying put goes way up. If anyone needs our service or just a little advice. Our website is Thanks!