Discussion came about today of how bees keep warm and I was confused about Warm and Cool Hive layouts.
Cold or Warm Way?? http://www.dave-cushman.net/bee/cwww.html
Any thoughts??
Discussion came about today of how bees keep warm and I was confused about Warm and Cool Hive layouts.
Cold or Warm Way?? http://www.dave-cushman.net/bee/cwww.html
Any thoughts??
Here is one I started a bit ago and got a few responses.
@adagna Thanks Adam. I did wonder if I’d seen a similar discussion.
I’m discovering though that there is a conflict of views as to which is cold and which is warm. Some say perpendicular (90° angle to entrance) is warm others say cool so even though the terms and descriptions are the same there is a conflict of which is which way around.
Having a quilt, slatted rack and the Verroa mesh all help to ventilate the hive. and I feel that weather warm or cold way good ventilation and placement of the hive in a protected situation all go to keep my hives free of condensation and warmer all around.
I believe if there is condensation or the hive gets too cold this can lead to Chalk Brood.
As long as you have a nice wide entrance, it doesn’t matter if the frames are parallel or at right angles to the entrance, as long as the bees are able to circulate air right around the hive, without any restrictions & with a strong population, you wont get much condensation.
People who live in drier climates have no clue how much of a problem damp weather can be. I plan on a quilt myself for the hive in the city. We have fog here. Lots of it. The hives in the central valley don’t need them as it is not as humid in the winter.
Here is how the ventilation works; If the frames are perpendicular to the entrance then the air flow is unimpeded in thru the entrance and up between all the frames. Every gap is exposed to the source of the fresh cold air. If you rotate the frames so that the first frame runs parallel to the entrance it provides a block to the flow of air and each frame is further removed from the stream of air.
Does that help sort out the air flow issue?
Yes Sara I agree. Unfortunately some articles disagree which is cold and which is warm.
Here in the UK we can have -15°C which would make us Antarctica to subtropical and temperate areas of the world. Yet on a snowy day we can have warm sunshine, blue skies and walk around in t-shirt and shorts.
I have hedged my bets:
It may look like overkill but I will be making every effort to bring my bees through winter as far as I’m able to, while preventing the hive being too cold, too damp with plenty of fresh air circulating - Goldilocks would be proud!!