Hello everyone,
Yesterday, a great part of the colony we acquire and put into our hive (of 8 brood box frames) a little less than 3 weeks ago, “left the building” and was swarming.
We were able to capture the swarm in a new brood box. We took out one honey frame from the old hive and put it in the new hive (we placed a new frame with wax foundation in the old hive). All other 9 frames in the new hive are new frames with wax foundation. At night, when all swarmed bees seemed to have entered the new hive, we moved it some 100 meters and placed it on the spot where we want to have the new hive.
We did not put a honey box with frames with wax foundation on top of the new hive, figuring that they have more than enough empty frames for them to work on.
From the old hive (hive 1), we took off the honey box (the flow frames), figuring that the fairy decreased number of bees in the left-over colony might have trouble keeping the hive with honey box on top warm enough.
Today, hive 1 acts normal.
At the new hive (hive 2), there are quite a bit of bees sort of circling the hive, but other bees seem to be collecting nectar (no pollen) and there are several bees on the landing board sending the “this is our home-spot gather here”-scent around. Also, I found bees circling the place where they settled down after the swarming, from where we took them, yesterday. This has me concerned a bit.
The questions that I now have:
a) Do we put a honey box on top of the new hive (hive 2) with the swarmed bees?
b) We don’t have old wax frames with cells on them already. Do we need to put in a frame with brood from hive 1 into hive 2?
c) Do we keep the honey box (with -so far- by the bees unused flow frames) off of the old hive (hive 1) which now has a small colony left over?
d) Might the circling around the new hive AND around the swarming-spot from yesterday (some 100 meters away) mean they are preparing to swarm again?
e) Do we need to feed the new hive next to the (half-full) honey frame we put in there?