Feeding Honey frames to Bees, condensation

I have some frames of honey & honey & pollen I removed from a hive about 1 month ago. I had them in the freezer for 3 days & they have been refrigerated since. One frame in particular is about 50% pollen. I am concerned that when I remove then from the fridge their may be some condensation on the pollen & wouldn’t like to give it back to them like that. I know they will need it, there have been pollen shortages over last few months (many beekeepers are feeding pollen/substitutes), how do I dry it out without impairing nutrient qualities?

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I would stand it in front of fan inside the house (with air-conditioning running if possible to lower humidity). It should be a lot drier after a day or two.

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Put it in a plastic bag and seal it. Wait for it to come to room temperature then take the bag off.
Anyway, even if the frame were dripping wet I don’t think the bees would mind. It’s very humid in a beehive

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Thanks Dawn & Dee, I have been reading on local club site that someone had issues with pollen having condensation & putting it into hive at this time of year. Not so concerned with the honey as its capped anyway. It’s wrapped in fridge so will give it a day to come to temp before installing.
Perhaps bit over cautious as it has been a very difficult season weather wise (as I think you experienced last year Dee?) & I don;t think i’m going to have opportunity for too many more inspections in a very short time. We’ve had 2 days that resembled anything like our normal Autumn. Temps have dropped from 28 to 10 degrees in one week.
So anything that goes into the hive now I have to be prepared for not being able to get back to check for awhile.

It’s my understanding that condensation on stored combs is only a problem in the sense that it could lead to mold growth. If it isn’t freezing cold outside where you are, a little dampness probably won’t bother your bees & they’d probably take care of it before any mold starts. If you suspect mold, then I’d follow Dawn’s suggestion.

Not so good now after a roaring start. I don’t worry about pollen in a bad spell. The queens just stop laying. Italians don’t though so if you keep them perhaps you need to take more care.

At least 2 of my hives are Italians or descendants of & I noticed a marked difference in general attitude of the colonies when pollen sources were low. I’ve also had issues with chalkbrood & again noticed a marked improvement with better pollen supply ( & nectar too of course, but was having to feed sugar syrup & big difference between having pollen & syrup to syrup only).

Give it once it has thawed out as it is, the bees will take it. Bees won’t touch it if it is moldy but with a little moisture it will be enjoyed and work a treat.