I installed a NUC and the bees are filling out my other frames. However, i am finding it tricky to pull out the frames and put back in with all the bees on the frame, i feel like they are getting squished when i put them back in. How do i get around this?
They have started building comb on top of the frames, just a few bits. Should i scrap this off when inspecting?
When you are removing a frame use your hive tool to make a larger gap around the frame top be removed then remove it slowly, if the bees sense the clearance is getting tight they will move out of the way to avoid being squashed.
The making of a bit of comb on top of the frames to the QX is common and should be scraped off at each inspection if needed. Burr comb and bridging comb should also be removed.
Hope that answers your questions Paul.
the only tricky frame is the first one you pull. I often select the second in. As peter said: Pry away the adjacent frames a few mm and take care to lift the frame up and out vertically, slowly and smoothly. Then I use a frame rest (or a spare box) to hold that frame outside of the hive. Others merely lean it somewhere. Before you hang or lean it- you can use the sharp up/down shake right above the box so the majority of bees on the frame fall down back into the hive. You don’t have to do this. It can be good to shake bees if you are interested to look for eggs, larvae- so you cna see the comb better. Always take care you don’t accidentally put the queen outside or shake her on the ground if you can. Most times she wouldn’t be on an outer frame but she may be.
Then you can use the space you have created to move frames over a little before lifting them out working your way across the box. when you are done you carefully push the frames all back to how they were to keep the spacing between frames nice and even. Clean bridge and burr comb as you go. Over time if you inspect regularly and keep things straight- the box become more manageable and ordered.
Peter n Jack have given you solid advice n help for minimal casualties of bees n least chance of rolling n killing your Queen n other workers. As a newbie all thing are new but don’t sweat the small stuff. It will come with time n practice. Just work slow n carefully … speed isn’t necessary especially at first.
I’m going to post a sample sequence of what Peter n Jack mentioned. With Flow-hive there is some extra width/space at each putter “wall-frame” (1 n 8) … each time you’ve completed your inspection center all 8 frames tightly frame shoulder to should. This prevent bees extra comb bridging n creativity. I’m using an empty 8 frame super for ease plus we are in winter mode up here in the States (thus too chilly for opening n deep inspections) …
Welcome to the world of the bees. I try to do everything very slowly but inevitably sometimes a bee will get squished. Try to have all the bees off frames when returning them also helps.
Take your 1st frame out and keep it out till the inspection is over. Remove frame 2 then put it into posion1. Remove frame 3, inspect and fit in position2 and so on till all frames are inspected them move all the frames to their original position and refit frame1.
You use that system when checking a honey super or a brood box. Remove any burr comb or bridging comb as you work through the hive.
Cheers Paul
Its a good idea to use a dummy board for the first frame. This is easier to take out and put back without squishing bees. Once out, you will have enough free space to manipulate the other frames.
Thanks for adding the sequence of photos Gerry. As always excellent pics that saves a thousand words.
I guess about now you have snow and cold weather, we are in heat waves here and suffering.
Went out to my apiary yesterday to do a check on the girls, what a waste of time, it was like eating soup with boxing gloves on and just as frustrating: maybe I’m expecting too much too soon.
Yes, that’s for sure Busso. I thought that when I took a look at the video. We must have made that video shortly after I killed a colony one night by not checking to see if the vents were open. I made sure they were open in the video.
There’s lots of others like Cowgirl, who’s names escape me until I take a look at some of the old threads.
Bro, I keep at least that first outer wall out or hanging in a side frame holder. Leave to many isn’t a good idea. You can forget the order, cool brood off or loss a Queen.