Hello All,
Long time reader, first time poster here, and I would appreciate some advice. I am located in East Tennessee with cooperative weather so far this year.
I have one hive, started from a nuc on April 15th this year and added my second brood box on April 28th. I fed sugar water from day-one with additive and they loved it, and built out great on foundationless frames. I added my Flow Frames & Super on May 25th after both brood boxes were an average of 80% full, and pulled the feeder off at the same time, sprayed the flow frames with sugar water + additive.
Since then, I did my first full inspection today, almost three weeks later: they have been prepping the flow frames ver nicely, lots of propolis on all sides, and lots of wax workings on the faces of the frames, they are also pulling the last 1mm of wax out and beginning to fill the frames with honey (pause for happy dance ) (see pics of flow frames).
I continued onto the two brood boxes below: boxes appeared very full of bees, lots of activity, lots of bees, larva, eggs, brood, pollen, and honey. I estimate that these boxes are currently 90-95% full, meaning - very limited open cells with only 1 frame still being drawn out @50%. There was some new burr comb built onto the sides of the top brood box that i removed. It appears to me that there is more honey in these brood boxes than there is brood. I saw no signs of swarm cells. There probably are a couple frames of only honey in these brood boxes.
Question: I want to continue to encourage them to build out the flow frames and store honey there, as they are doing, BUT how concerned should I be about brood box capacity currently?
My gut tells me to just check them weekly for a bit, hoping they continue to move more bees up into the flow frames and put any new stores there, and as brood hatch out the queen will have new room to lay more eggs .
Alternatives that Iām aware of would be: adding another full brood box with foundationless frames (all I have), removing a frame of honey-only from the brood box and replacing with foundationless frame, shaking a frame of honey out and reinstalling to provide room for brood ??
Iām hopeful there are folks out there who have experience at this stage of the Flow hive. I appreciate your feedback and will try to be as responsive as possible. Thanks!