Hi, we’ve yielded great honey from all of our flow frames without incident. Stacks of fun, delicious honey! All going to plan. On our final frame, the flow included bees. Quite a few, as it turned out. This had not happened in any of the other frames. Is there a simple answer to this?
The most likely cause is that one of the segments of the Flow frame has cracked and left a hole in the flow channel at the bottom of the frame. You will need to lift the frame and inspect to see whether this is the problem.
If it is, take a photo and send it to the honey flow team with an e-mail including your order number - info@honeyflow.com. They have helped other Forum members by sending out replacement frame leaflets to repair the cracked part. This is obviously a lot cheaper than buying a whole new frame!
To prevent it in future, make sure that the wires on the frame are tight before you put the super on the hive, and open the frames in 20-25% increments to reduce the torque and flexing of the frame as you open the cells.
Great, thank you Dawn.