Flow Rate of the honey

Just so I understand are we saying the the flow hives just wont work if there is any of this"jellybush honey"

Hi @mikejh it’s not so much that they won’t work, but that our limited testing has shown it can be very slow and requires the honey to be agitated. Non-thixotropic honeys are always easier to harvest (whether with a Flow Hive or traditional extractor). This doesn’t affect the majority of our customers but is noted in our FAQs for those who grow Manuka. (Beekeepers who live near Manuka are often already aware of the issues as they are not specific to our hives).

Ok Don’t think it actually is manuka honey Ive never had any issues with traditional frames, the issue is getting it out of the flow frame, I was a very early adopter of the product and I only live 40 minutes away from Byron where they invented it, so I shouldn’t be the only one having the issue

And that’s your problem Mike. Don’t expect a refund. :slight_smile:

Early adopters tend to cop issues like this, that become more obvious once the product is more widely used.

I was also an early adopter/supporter of Flow, and never even kept bees before so didn’t even know what I was buying into.

I still don’t regret my purchase and I like my Flow hive heaps, but if I had to buy now, with the knowledge I have, and knowing more about the issues around the Flow hive I might reconsider some things I did. That’s life.

Actually there is a Flow Hive video about Jelly Bush honey Mike. I have never had what I call a successful extraction of Jelly Bush Honey, I even tried to spin it out in my electric extractor.
When I get a Jelly Bush flow it doesn’t last long, I fit a Langstroth Super on my Flow hives and do a ‘crush and strain’ of the frames.

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@:honeybee:Zzz, regarding your comment “that early buyers of flow hives cop the faults that they had”. Yet you didn’t give flow hive the credit for improvements that have been made, and I’m sure that there with be further improvements still to come in the future, eg an enclosed (removable) floor in the base under the tray​:crossed_fingers:.
If improvements of any product doesn’t occur, then we would (for example) be still driving T-model Ford cars.
Gee give Flow (Cedar) credit where credit is due, and that their product is (thankfully) still evolving.

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@mikejh, how did you problem with the slow flowing honey pan out? Did you get the problem sorted out?