Free Bees! An Offer Too Good To Refuse

Glad you are using the bandana Jeff, it is going to be a really hot one. It’s not a day for bee keeping. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
Alby is a name I know with two guys, I’m not sure if we are thinking of the same guy. Ken Bannister is the guy I was trying to name at Beerwah yesterday. Funny how a name can pop into your mind after you give up trying to remember it.
You take it easy in the heat.

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The bloke at the bee club, I meant.

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You have got it Jeff, thanks mate.

It’s 39 out the back now. I’m not putt’n my bee suit on either.

I decided to to some painting of lids and base boards today, I had a thermometer out the back in the shade and when it got to 37c I put it in the sunshine, it hit the top at 50c, that’s a dig difference between shade and in the sun. Finally got a slight afternoon sea breeze that is very welcome.
My theory about good hive management in hot weather is a balance of shade and good ventilation as well as a reliable supply of water.
The new lids for 8 frame hives from Burnett’s now have 2 vents front and rear, a good move in my opinion for our heat. Up till now they didn’t have any vents at all.

You shouldn’t be painting when temp is that high Pete. Paint will dry too quickly compromising its longevity.

I do what I gotta do when I have the time to do it. Adding some extra water to acrylic paint slows the drying time according to the directions. Days that are too hot to be at my hives is the only time I have that I can catch up with my painting. Rainy days are for making frames up and boxes. No rest days for the wicked.
Cheers Stefan