Free Wood for Slatted Racks

Brilliant work Jeff! Very industrious- you make me feel ashamed. I’ve been meaning to make soem of these since forever.

This thread got me thinking- and now considering a lazy cheat for my hives with deep bases- using some kind of board with holes in it instead of slats. I put some nucs into some old australian beehives a few months ago that had a type of masonite board covered in 1cm ish sized holes, installed directly into the (deeper than normal) bases on risers, with gaps around the edges. Much easier to make than a slatted rack. An Old design. I think it would work basically the same as a slatted rack. The beekeeper who had them said he was very fond of those bases- he bought the hives last century and they were already old then. Still in good functional order. I wish I had taken a few photos.

Also one thing I did do was make a series of quilt boxes for my flow hives: and to date I have to report after 2 seasons a huge reduction in mold and damp in those hives. I think quilt boxes are great for hives in any location where the frames tend to get wet and damp.

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Thanks Jack. They reckon that the slatted racks have been in use since around 1900. The design of those old Ausie beehives might be a variant of the slatted racks.

I’m interested in the baffle above the entrance & got me thinking & wondering if the baffle could extend back a lot further, reducing the length of the slats, which would further reduce cold or hot air onto the brood. Maybe you could consider something similar with your version. I have a LOT of leftover material to work with in trying different versions later on.

PS. I’ll go & do some bee work now, after replying to every topic from the past 24 hours :slight_smile:

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Now the 23rd of March, I have the last 4 of 51 racks, 17 honey supers (including 4 acquired a couple of weeks ago for free), 8 bottom boards & 8 lids, in my copper naphthenate soaking bin. Photos following:

I reduced the soaking time to 30 minutes per side in a shallow amount of liquid., which means all the corners got one hour. As the photos reveal, the liquid creeps up the wood, which I think is important, concerning the cut ends, where a lot of the rot starts. I still have to paint by hand the centers of the top & bottom boards, however I decided not to treat & paint the slats. I’ll only paint over the copper n. treatment.

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I finished painting the last ones today. As well as the boxes, lids & bottom boards.