Green Ants - killing and dragging bees out of hive

I truly hope you’re right. But those green ants are horrid and don’t let go. Of humans, bees… When I was cleaning the hive off I’d push the ant that was hanging onto the bee down flat (squashed) as it was the only way to get it to let go. Nasty things.

We’ve got rain today. My daughter and I have just spent an hour watching them come and go. She’s 3. She asked if she could be the princess if the queen was in the hive. She likes spotting their ‘knickerbockers’ as they bring their pollen home.

Quick off topic question… Do queen bees have a season? How do queen breeders time their sales, and would a consistently warm climate make a difference?

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Just a quick aside… The ants I’m dealing with are meat eaters. So they don’t steal the honey, they attack, and take home for dinner, they bees.

I see your point, but I have faith in the bees. I bet it is not one bee life lost per ant life. I think the bees will be better fighters. However, I totally agree with you, whatever the ant type, you shouldn’t get complacent about them.

I’m new. So I’m desperate not to break them :slight_smile:

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