I would leave well enough alone and allow then to settle and establish themselves.
Bees in swarm mode can build large amounts of comb very quickly. Its fortunate that they have built on the frames.
I would leave them alone for two or three weeks and have another look then. If its a prime swarm you should have plenty of capped brood then and if its a secondary the virgin should hopefully have been mated and have started laying.
I would leave the ventilation as it is for now. The bees chose it so are obviously ok for the time being.
Then the next thing to put your mind to is how best to move the hive to its permanent location.
Moves are best done in the evening when bees are not flying. Figure out a way to seal the opening and secure the lid while you manipulate the hive (even duct tape will do but be sure to pull it off when the move is done). As the box is at height, the first move should be to bring it to normal level, directly beneath where it is now. And be careful moving the box while on a ladder. It will be heavier than you expect.