This what I love about this forum, everyone is so helpful. Good result guys.
I can’t claim to have the most, or best wisdom, but I’ve come far since my first season with major help from forum members like @Dawn_SD, and seeing posts of others like @Peter48 making plans to meet up with & mentor others inspired me. I must say I was impressed with Lisa’s persistence and attitude - even while the bees were getting riled up and stinging! Lisa, you’ll pick this up quickly with some more of the basics plus regional savvy
We couldn’t get a video call working so just used phone and Lisa texted me pics and videos as she went along. I enjoyed diving right into the task as fellow beeks, and I’m pleased it worked out so well!
We tried to use doxy but Eva could not hear me. The doxy program said it heard me but Eva couldn’t so we did it via phone call, text messaging of photos and videos. I am going to have to figure out why my microphone does not kick in for video conferencing even though I adjust the privacy to allow it for that time.
hi lisa,
i strongly recommend you get a book about basic beekeeping and familiarize yourself with the entire life-cycle of bees- and all things things that can be found in combs: eggs, larvae, capped brood (all types: worker, drone and queen), pollen, honey, pests. Also consider using a queen excluder especially as a someone new to beekeeping.
I have one on the hive that I purchased for the second bees I went and got but they absconded so that hive is empty. I think I will be looking to getting a queen for that hive very soon. Thank you for your recommendation.