HI! I’m new to the forum and new to beekeeping
I purchased 2 flow hive classic 10 frames and tonight the 2 families arrived, each on 5 frames (Italian 44 cm by 30 cm high, much longer than the Flow frames) and 2 Flow frames.
Now I’m trying to understand with the beekeper that gave me the families and other beekeepers in the area, of it s better to leave the bees inside the hives with which they arrived from 7 frames, and wait for March 2025 to transfer their 2 Flow frames and empty the rest of the swarm inside.
or follow some advice found here in the forum and place the 7-frame hives and the 10-frame Flow box on top, trying to plug the base of the Flow with wooden planks to avoid having holes.
and hope that the bees go upstairs to fill the other 8 frames of the Flow
But I don’t know if it’s a good idea and if I can do it now.
I think the 7 frames are all full, but I have no idea how to properly connect the hive to the Flow.
Can anyone give me some advice?
thank you so much