I’ve been reading and from what everyone says is that the first year of a hive you should not take any honey.
My last hive inspection on 8/11/18 shows all my honey supers capped. (See picture). I have two Langstroth hives with 2 deeps and 1 super on each. My flow hive was late in arriving this year and the bee’s are still busy filling the frames, I don’t have the flow frames on, just two deeps.
I’m confused as to what to do with the honey supers, both hives deeps are full of brood and stores. Do I leave the supers on all winter for food?
I’ve been treating for mites and counts are very low. Next mite treatment will be mid Sept/Oct after I do my sugar roll/count.
I would harvest those frames in your situation. You may have to feed the bees later in the season, but those combs look beautiful. You have been very lucky, most people don’t get to harvest in their first season.
Thank you for the fast response Dawn. I must admit that the luck is from the Bee’s. They have a rare opportunity of living next to an organic 35 acre farm that grows nothing but Wildflowers and Veggies.
My next door Neighbor/Farmer sells his flowers and veggies at his farm stand. My Bee’s only have a short flight (100 yards) to find a field full of wildflowers and veggies. My bee’s and his flowers helps contributes to my full frames of honey. Lucky Bee’s!
His next planting will be fall pumpkins and gourds.
I like to wrap them in in cling wrap, then freeze for at least 48 hours. That kills wax moth and SHB eggs etc. If you have space, just leave them in the freezer. If you don’t have space, take them out and put them in an empty super tightly wrapped with burlap. That keeps insects and rodents out, but lets moisture out too, to avoid mold on the frames.
If you do not keep them frozen, the honey may crystallize, but if you uncap the frames when you put them back in the hive, the bees will chew through it.
Hi Dan,
We usually wrap them in a plastic garbage bag, tape it up to keep ants and wax moths away, and store them in an empty hive, either in our basement or outside.
Weigh the two deeps: If they’re 100 lbs or more, harvest the honey unless you used OAV, Apivar. or some other mite treatment not approved for use with honey supers in place.