NBU - UK rain for the last week and up pretty much until 12th July


Beekeepers may wish to monitor their colony food levels closely over the next month as many colonies, particularly those which are strong and had their spring honey crop removed, will be at risk of starving. In some parts of the UK, the weather is still cold and foraging opportunities for large colonies are few and far between. It is important to check and monitor all your colonies feed levels, if you do not wish to open them up because of poor weather, lift below the floor, in turn, on both sides of the hive to see how much it weighs. Where the hive is light, liquid feed should be applied directly above the bees. Feed can be prepared from refined white sugar and water mixed at a 2:1 ratio or one of the proprietary ready mixed syrups available from Beekeeping equipment suppliers. More information about mixing up sugar can be found in the Best Practice Guidelines no. 7 http://www.nationalbeeunit.com/index.cfm?pageid=167

Large starving colonies of bees will take 1 gallon (approx. 5 Litres) of syrup very quickly while smaller colonies will take half a gallon (approx. 2.5 Litres). After feeding, heft the hives again and check the weight and if in doubt feed some more in a few days.

you and I have known this for weeks. Still maybe it might spur some beginners to look in

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I have been feeding my Nucs - But Emerald and Sapphire are eating their way through their honey stores.

I got 5kg of sugar in my shopping this week - it is 1/2 gone!!

Just been out to my girls as they were flying no rain today thank goodness 5 of my 6 are now being fed.

Emerald on double brood is going strong and still has honey capped in the Flow Frames so I let her be.

Even poor Sapphire has eaten all her stores Looks like I need another 5kg of sugar