Thanks Dawn! Good to know all looks as it should. I’ll give it a few weeks at least before another inspection. thank you for taking the time to respond
Well done Matt, I agree with @Dawn_SD. They are beautiful photos of all worker brood. I can’t see any drone brood in those photos. The next thing you should do is google drone brood, then look at all the images of drone brood so you can familiarize yourself with what it looks like compared to worker brood. Take note of the domed caps compared to slightly convexed caps on worker brood. Plus the increased size, which is quite noticeable.
When your bees are ready, they’ll start building drone cells in all the vacant spots, nooks & crannies. In the mean time, while they are still building up, they’ll only build worker comb.
Is that your queen in the first pic?
hey skeggley your message prompted me to go back and watch my inspection video (i setup my phone up on a tripod so I can watch it back and take my time looking at the frames). I didnt find the queen on that 1st photo above but I didnt find her here …
It was on the second frame i removed and in the video she was actively laying.
I’m going to heed good advice and leave the bees alone for at least 3 weeks. My next inspection will not be so intrusive - maybe a quick check for HB and remove one or two frames - if I see eggs and larvae / capped worker brood i’ll close up and leave it for another month.
Well-spotted! Nice looking queen too.
You have a great attitude and I think you will become an excellent beekeeper.
Brilliant! I see some bees with their wings tucked in and others wings out at 45 degrees. Does that mean anything?
Not necessarily, but I think the bee at 1-2 o’clock is trying to do a waggle dance. We saw a few like that. Must be something flowering around here in late Fall/Autumn!
Nice one, looks like she’s laying in the 1st photo in the set of 4 above also.
Yes you’re right! Had to look 10 times to see that. You should be a bee investigator. Good eyes
Thank you, I am also frequently wrong though… I like practicing queen spotting, practice makes it easier, not easy but easier.
All that new comb your bees have drawn is awesome too, nice and straight.
I’ve not had any experience with packages, didn’t even know it was a thing here in Oz so I’ve learner something too.
love waggle dances!