Hello everyone! I hope all is well wherever you are! I need some help with a swarm I caught on June 1st from one of my other hives.
Some backstory; found a small-ish swarm (about the size of an American football) on the side of one of my hives one afternoon. I began scooping bees with my hands into a new box with drawn out comb, and found the queen. I caught her and placed her in a clip between two frames, and released her a few hours later. There were about 4 frames worth of bees in the box with her. My plan was to leave them alone for 10 days, but then a bear paid us a visit on June 2nd and knocked that hive over and upside down. After the bear left, my husband and I went out and put everything back together and scooped as many of the bees back in that we could.
On June 4th I checked them to look for the queen, which I did find. She looked fine to me, no damage that I could see. I gave them some sugar syrup, closed it up and left them alone until today, June 11th.
During my inspection today, I found the queen and again she looked okay… there was new nectar and some pollen (although I’m not sure if that was leftover pollen in the drawn out comb that I’m using from the previous colony), but absolutely no brood. There is plenty of empty drawn out comb her her to lay in, but no capped brood, no larvae, no eggs. There was about 2 1/2 frames of adult bees in the hive today. Traffic is slow at the entrance, I haven’t really seen any pollen going in which makes sense with the lack of brood. I gave the bees a pollen patty to hopefully encourage the queen to start laying, but I’m not sure if it will help.
So I’m not sure what to do with this hive. I have a few options spinning in my head but I don’t know which plan is best, or if there’s another option I haven’t thought of.
Option 1: Should I just requeen this hive and leave everything else as is and let them sort it out?
Option 2: Pinch this queen and combine the bees with another hive.
Option 3: Take one frame of capped brood and one frame of open brood with either very young larvae and/or eggs from another hive/hives and donate it to this one. I’m a little nervous to do this because I don’t want to sacrifice a good hive to save this struggling one… last year I borrowed three or for frames of brood from a very strong hive to donate to a weaker one, and the donor hive ended up absconding before winter (the “weaker” one survived, and is the hive that I was able to make a split from and then it also produced this swarm two weeks after the split).
So that’s what I have going on right now. Any advice on how to move forward and save this tiny colony? This was my first swarm catch and I was so excited about it… I’ll be so bummed if it doesn’t work out! But I want to do what’s best for the bees.
Thanks for taking the time to read this, and for any thoughts and advice!!