I read now is a good time in cooler places to do an OA treatment before the queen gears up. It’s been a mild winter. Quilt box is keeping them dry and toasty.
We had a super low mite count in August, then our neighbor let his hive collapse, and in October, we had a red zone count. So, we did a 14 day Formic pro treatment but did not retest as there was not really any brood left for nurse bees that late in the year.
I was going to do a dribble in the AM tomorrow as it’s going to be warm again so if I catch them before it warms up and they are maybe in a cluster, I read they consume the drip quickly so it should work ok re moisture in the hive. I pulled back the shavings in the quilt box and happy we have tons of bees on top enjoying the sugar cake so the Formic Pro must have worked.
Do we need to treat in winter if there’s been a brood break? Just being proactive here due to high autumn count.