Hi all. Just a quick question, is it ok to overwinter the flow frames in a long langstroth with a board in front so the bees can’t access them?
No reason not to its just simulating a container. Wax moth might be an issue or SHB if you have it.
Hi Karby,
I’m attempting to share a link with you to another post (never done it before):
Hey I think it worked!
This may give you a couple of ideas depending on your climate, but I’m assuming it’s warmer than mine.
PS. I’d love to see a pic/pics of your setup if it’s up and running!
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I haven’t quite finished yet and probably won’t be able to populate it until next spring.
The last picture shows the front. I’ve got 3 holes for the main entrance and if you look towards the other end, you can see a black dot. This was a natural hole in the wood and is right next to the flow frames. I don’t know if it is big enough or whether the bees will make it bigger or propolise it.
Nice work Karby!
It’s looking terrific!
What’s the setup between the flow frame section and the brood area?
I can just make out what looks like a dummy/follower board with a hole in it?
I ended up transferring in a whole 8 frame brood box last spring (rather than a nuc) and it worked well.
I’m still nutting out what to do with it over winter. I’m thinking of making aslide-in escape board to slot in where the QX is, so I can take the flow frames out.
Keep us HFH fans posted with your progress.
I made 1 follower, that is the one with the two handles on it. I’m thinking of making another to use like Phil Chandler does in his TBH. Leaving a space in one end, making it easier to get the first frame out. The other will be to determine box size.
Love your HFH Kristal! It’s so elegant and I want one How has it been going?
So far, so good. They made it through winter and with the quick check I did the other day, that hive seems to be the strongest. I’m not sure when bees swarm in my area, but I didn’t find any swarm cells and I think it’s still too cold.
I’m happy with their progress and enjoy watching their flights on warm days with low wind chill.