I recently got a bunch of hive bodies and supers for a very good price. I want to clean them up and render the wax to make candles and soaps. The wax is very old and has been used for at least a year, so it is pretty dirty. Do you just cut the wax out with a knife and render it from there? Do you have to disassemble the whole frame to get the wax out? I am new to beekeeping, but I am enjoying learning!
Thank you!
I cut it out with a fishing knife then use hot water to separate the wax and the cocoons. Don’t let the water boil, it spoils the wax.
I have a home made steamer. It melts the wax and cleans the frames at the same time ready for waxing. Wonderful.
The multipurpose tea urn?
No it’s an old poly brood box with a grill on the bottom to catch the crud and a spout where the hot water and wax exit into a bucket. I hang the frames in normally and strap the roof on then introduce the wallpaper steamer hose into the top.
Very clever idea. I am always looking for better ways of rendering, so if you have any photos, I would love to see them. I should have quite a number of old brood frames to render next spring, and this would help a lot.
I’ll see what I can do.
Oh dear forgot about this. Next time I do some frames I’ll open the box and take a snap. It’s too bloomin cold at the moment brrrrrrrr
A little late to the party here but very keen to see this gizmo you’ve built @Dee
There is not as much wax in comb as you would think. Keep it simple. I use old cooler with Plexiglas top aimed at sun. Hardware cloth a few inches off bottom. You will be lucky to get a candle or 2 unless you have a lot of comb.
I just read a blog post on ‘trogtrogbee’ about a homemade steam extractor. I was fascinated to read that the wax melted from the frames leaving the interwoven cocoons intact on the frames.