Hi all, I got my flow hive in Sept 2022.
Installed a Nuc in mid October
My hive looked healthy and all frames had been drawn and I had good brood and honey stocks in the brood box, I added the super in late November.
Around a month later there was lots of activity around my hive, it took me a month to realise something was happening, eventually I figured out it was robber bees, after research I reduced the entrance, used wet towels and then added a robber screen which I made. This seemed to slow the robbers up. Yesterday I noticed a lot of wax chips of the front landing inside the robber screen. I think the robbers found the new entrance.
Today I made a new screen with an entrance in a different spot, I thought I might alternate the screens to confuse the robbers.
While I was doing this I inspected the hive. In the super I have about 4 flow frames that are 3/4 to half ful of honey.
In the brood box I have some brood but a lot less than before I put the super on and also not a lot of honey downstairs.
I sighted my queen, I saw larvae, didn’t see eggs as I was rushing.
There are lots of my bees entering the hive with pollen, forage is excellent.
Given my brood box is barely keep in up I was wondering if I should just harvest the honey up top, remove the super and then put everyone to work in the brood box. This will either help overcome the robbers or it will fail and I just start again next spring.
For the last month I reckon my hive is just holding its own against the robbers
If I shut my hive up for a few days would the survive on the honey stocks in the super? Is this the next step in defeating the robbers?
I’m really stuck