Should I just let my swarm go?

One plan could be to buy an 8 frame box, base and lid. You can use it to catch and build up swarms- then sell the bees to someone who is happy for you to transfer them into their new hive. You keep the box for next year. I say 8 frame and not a 5 frame Nuc because quite a few swarms are too big to get into a 5 frame box. That way you should be able to transfer the bees to anyone with an 8 or a 10 frame box. At other times the box will come in handy for storing and carrying around frames, and as a spring swarm lure.

If a buyer wanted the lot you could just charge them for the box and get another one.

As to swarming- even the very best beekeepers have hives swarm. At our bee society several of the very experienced beekeepers had hives swarm this year- despite swarm prevention attempts . These are guys that have been doing it for decades and manage colonies in our Botanic gardens, at the Museum, etc.

A local grumpy old beekeeper gave me a tip about keeping bees in urban environments: give the neighbors honey to keep them onside. I’ve been a practitioner of it- and it’s a good thing too- when my best hive swarmed a month ago it landed on the lemon tree right on the fence line with my neighbors. They watched me catch them and were not overly worried. I was able to explain a little to them about how passive swarm bees are if you don’t antagonise them.

Given that neighbors often end up in disputes- people who don’t really even care about your beehives are likely to use them as ammunition if you already have a feud going… Last year another member of the bee society had to relocate 5 hives very rapidly when one swarmed and landed in his neighbors yard just as they were having a BBQ…

I have now told all my neighbors that I have bees- gave them a little honey- and explained if they ever have an issue to come over and let me know. So far they are all cool…

However given that I have gone from 4 to 7 hives on the property in just 6 weeks- I now need to move some away and start two apiaries in the hills. It’s gotten a little bee crazy around these parts of late…

From now on my plan is to make splits from most hives every year and to sell them as a matter of routine.