Splits, flow frames and timing

First year here.
We took no honey this year and have a medium on a deep. We were thinking of doing a split in the spring assuming they come thru winter strong, then realized energy would be going into building back the population vs going into the FlowFrames.
Is that a correct assumption?
Also, thinking frames should go on around April when pollen starts, again, assumingstrong hive? In Virginia.

That is true. I tend to split reactively rather than proactively, because our nectar flow can be so variable from year to year. In other words, I split when I start to see queen cells, but not before then.

I don’t use pollen as a deciding factor for putting the Flow super. I use the 80% rule:

  1. The existing frames are 80% full of brood or food (honey/pollen)
  2. All frames are at least 80% fully drawn comb
  3. The hive is full of bees, and even when foragers are out and busy, each frame is 80% covered with bees

So I use the same rules for adding the Flow super, as I use for adding any box to a hive. Keeps things simple, and I like simple! :wink:

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Thanks, Dawn.
Sounds like we should buy another nuc in Spring then because we want a second hive and don’t want to delay adding the flow frames by doing a split.

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I always like having at least 2 hives. It is much easier to rescue a weak hive if you have a stronger one which can provide resources. Just be aware that if you have 2, and they are both going gangbusters, you may end up with 3 because of the need to split… Always have more empty equipment than you need, if you possibly can! :blush:

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I have been denied by my other half, we are not having more than two! Ha. We learned many lessons by only having one hive, like how if you are queenleess for some time and the hive rolls the queen you bought, borrow a frame of brood from a friend.

It’s been an exciting year. I’m so glad I took the beginners class last winter. I tell people who ask that it is not a time-consuming hobby, but it’s a knowledge heavy one! And people call themselves “beginners” for a long time.

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In that case, I would get some nuc boxes or transport nucs if you need something cheaper. Then if you need to split, you can at least sell the split as a nuc. :wink:

Actually making $$ one time would be nice!

Making $$ from splits is really worthwhile. I split into 8-10 frame brood boxes, then I sell the splits (queen-rite) on a byo brood box basis. That way I can keep the selling price lower because I’m not having to recover the cost of the transport box. Plus the split has plenty of room to expand into (reducing the risk of swarming), in the meantime.

So if we do a split and then add the flow frames in Feb, we hope the population will explode in the same way it did last year and we’ll be ok vs needing to.buy another nuc for a second box.

I would hold off adding the flow frames until you know that the split is queen-rite, or do you mean “add the flow frames to the parent hive”? Either way I’d wait until the brood box is at least 80% full.


We are hoping to come out of winter with a strong hive as we are doing all the things. We have decided to wait and see w hopes of adding the flow frames when spring arrives and conditions are right, w the population driving them upward.

Meanwhile, we’re buying a second nuc for spring vs splitting current hive so we won’t end up waiting for pop to rebuild due to split in the original colony.