Hi All! Last year, we ended the year with a good amount of honey. None of it from the flow hive. I think we may have added the flow hive box too late in the season… we are in Vermont, USA and we added them around the end of July. It turned out that the bees were happy to walk on them, but there was no interesting in actually using them, So, I think we are going to put them on earlier.
This is our third season of bee keeping. We have sadly lost our hives both winters. It is heartbreaking. But we shall try again. Even after following all the prep for the winter. I won’t bore you with the details.
So, from our dead hives, we have pulled out beautiful frames of both comb and capped honey. We filled our freezer with as much as it will hold, and we still have about 15 frames stored in a large Tupperware in our art studio. We are keeping them in the light, as we know that dark is what moths like.
We pick up our nukes in about a month. How should we arrange the hives? We will be taking the five frames from the nuke, and adding three frames our ours. We are assuming we should use the ones with the empty built up comb (?) not the caped honey.
Then, we want to give them the frames of capped honey instead of feeding them sugar water. What do you think of this idea? We can fill an 8 framer with those. then, we are thinking of putting on the flow hive right away. I am assuming we should use the queen excluder then the flow hive on top. This way there can be brood in the middle. or should we put the flow hive in the middle and improve the changes of them using it? So, community, we would appreciate some coaching here. Do you like the idea of our approach? Any advice would be most welcome. Thank you!