I’ve been wondering how long before I open the hive again. I thought at least another week. They only have 8 frames to work on so I want to give them another 8 in a super at some time. In another week there will be plenty of capped brood if Queen Flo is on the job.
I add my first super to a new colony when all but three of the frames are stuffed with brood. If you buy an LED mini torch it makes it much easier to see eggs. Brood cells are capped at 8 days so if you are using that as a guideline all that will tell you is that the queen was there a week ago.
No!! Don’t use raw Sugar!!!
It can harm the bees - gives them Dysentry - the next filtration of the sugar - white sugar has the impurities removed
Thanks for the tips DextersShed, Valli and Dee. Very much appreciated.