Top Bar Hive Flow Forum

Dear All,
Well here is my version at last!!! the Long Langstroth and Top Bar Hybrid with 3 flow frames at the end. I have had great fun building it, and really ended up cutting the secand hand timber to fit around a Langstroth frame.
It was a very organic procese and I tryed to use some of the junk I had lying around, you know that junk the is kept cause you can’t bear to throw it out. I bought marian ply for the floor and corflute for under the roof, but thats about all.
I have no idear how it will work or manage it, but should be the same as a TBH. I might have to remove some honey frames to store for winter feed, don’t know??? to force the bees to fill the flow frames.
The next step the Bees in spring, some time in August perhaps.
Cheers Sue