Top cover and Roof

Yes I’ve noticed mine leaking too, if you do a search it seems to be a fairly common problem with the nice looking gabled roof. Various fixes have been proposed including silicone caulking, that seems like too much effort to me but it is very important the roof doesn’t let water in, me I’ve just bunged a sheet of plastic between the roof and top cover for now as a temporary fix, longer term I’m debating between putting some copper or aluminum flashing on the gabled roof or just replacing it with a more traditional flat roof.

At one bee supplier here they had made a copper cover for the gabled roof, looked great & can always remove when rain/water not an issue

Just checking if you have fixed your leaky gabled rook problems? I haven’t seen any puddles or evidence on puddles on the inner roof, but have seen it wet at the joints and seems. I melted beeswax into all the joints and seems recently. Too soon to know if it has worked.