"Trap In" box for hot queen removal?

Not sure I have a good idea of what you are proposing, but I do have an idea that might help.

I recently requeened a very hot hive, and if I couldn’t find the queen next time, I have a plan that I like.

  1. I have lots of spare equipment, so I would split the whole hive into nuclei or single boxes. Dividing the hive up makes the bees a lot less aggressive and much easier to inspect.
  2. If I could be sure that there was a nucleus which didn’t contain the queen after 24 hours, I would introduce the new queen into that. Queenless roar is sometimes very obvious, long before they start to try to make a queen.
  3. If I couldn’t be sure that I had a queenless nuc, I would just feed the new queen cage with a drop of my own honey every day, then inspect the boxes after 3 days. Those which are queenless will have queen cells, assuming there were eggs or young brood in the nuc. Destroy all of the queen cells and introduce the queen to one of those.
  4. The box which has no queen cells will have the queen. That box can be inspected very carefully with a lot less hassle than a full strength hive and the old queen can be dispatched.
  5. A week after introducing the queen to the nuc, all boxes can be merged together with newspaper, after carefully destroying any further queen cells.

Sounds like a lot of work, but actually it wasn’t really and it was so much nicer inspecting small colonies. Somehow they don’t get to that super-aggressive level of alarm pheromone that a full hive produces, and the will to attack was very much reduced. Highly recommended for those semi-africanized, badly behaved colonies! :wink:

Here is the link to the thread where I discussed it. Lots of other helpful ideas on there that you may want to consider too:

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