Ok. I just ordered a 3rd brood box and some frames with foundation. It will be a few days before they arrive. Here is a potential plan. Wait until I get the ordered supplies and then reinspect the hive and rectify the cross combed 2nd box. Put some of the comb/brood filled frames from box 2 into new box 3 and replace those frames in box 2 with frames with foundation. These foundation frames will create some order in box 2 and putting brood frames up in box 3 will entice the bees to come up to box 3. Good idea or off the wall?
That sounds like a good plan Brick, however seeing as your colony looks like it’s preparing to swarm, you should work on it straight away, just in case the colony IS preparing to swarm. If it is preparing to swarm, you can intervene & stop it from happening.
You can make do temporarily with foundationless frames. Any frames that contain only honey can be emptied out & used as foundationless frames. The same thing goes with frames that only contain drone comb.
You have said nothing about the bottom box at all. I would like to think that adding another box as a super will fix the problem but it won’t. You may well find the bottom box in need of more time to fix it up than needed for the 2nd box.
If you are not up to tackling the problem then ask a local bee group for help.
I sense you could do with some advise AT the hive and a helping hand to get the brood boxes sorted out, a local bee group would love to help, at least ones in my area would.
When you order arrives swap out a few frames of honey with the foundation frames and that will be a positive step but clean up the frames of bur comb and bridging wax ASAP.