2 Flow Frames produced 16.5 pounds of honey, Ontario Canada

First harvest of 2 frames produced 11 pounds of honey in Lasalle Ontario Canada. It was an awesome experience if not a bit fast. Under 70 minutes and the jars were filled. Only had a few bees come by to check out the tap pouring honey out to take a lick for a bit. Checkout the time lapse on http://www.purdiegoodhoney.com LOVE my Flow Hive. Can’t wait to get to the other 18 frames in the next two weeks or so.


Congratulations on your harvest. Once upon a time I used to convert kilos back to pounds. Now I convert pounds back to kilos. That works out to roughly 5 kilos = 2.5 per frame. That’s pretty good.


I miscalculated, it was 16.5 lbs total for 2 frames so I think I did pretty awesome.


Wow, that would be 7.5kg what’s that 3.75 each, now that IS impressive.


Just under @Webclan 's Flow forum record of 3.8kg…


A good result Tim, well done and a nice light color, I’m impressed…

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The final product :honeybee:. This is so much fun.


I’ll sometimes get up to 5+ kilos out of a single frame, however something else has to give for that to happen. The neighboring frames could end up being quite skinny. You can remove one more frame, then evenly space 8 frames in a 10 frame super instead of the 9 that I usually use. You can get heavy frames doing that.

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That’s amazing Jeff. I reckon might be harder to do with Flow frames in standard set up as the bees would escape from the rear viewing area when you take a peek if you space them too far apart. Perhaps possible on a hybrid?

I agree Dan, it would be feasible if one flow frame was capped thick on both sides with the opposing sides capped thin. This is assuming that the bees maintain the same bee space.

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In a Hybrid it would be technically possibly to have the two outer faces that could be capped out maybe 1cm beyond normal. The Flow hybrid super has some extra spacing- and I got some issues with a bit of bridge comb because of it. I also got very fat regular frames of honey. Only my bees built the regular ones and never filled the flow frames completely- ever. but that colony had issues with chalk-brood.

3.75kg’s is impressive indeed. I think I’ve averaged just under 3 KG’s. between 3.2 and 2.5.

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I guess the Flow frame record needs categories. Say one category for a standard off the shelf set up and another one for hybrid Flow frame with “irregular” spacing. I’m assuming @Webclan 's “world” Flow Forum Flow frame record is from a standard set up, as is the Canadian record set by @Tim_Purdie.

edit: @JeffH There was someone on the Forum a while back that did a mathematical calculation to emphasise that the Flow frame could store more than a regular frame but I can’t find it for the moment.

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Ok, so that flow frame honey weighty p was from a regular 6 frame flow super. Can look up dates of harvest and position of frame in my notes.
The weight has been verified by 4 people, I usually have only 2 for verification.
This particular hive is known to build out cells and frames to the max.
A normal frame put up into the flow super to entice up bees yielded above 5.5kg of honey after crushing and straining. That’s more than ordinary.

Occasionally you see this way outstanding hive and you think one should really keep thosegenetics going.

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Interesting @Webclan that it is in the genetics.

That IS interesting Dan, the only way one colony can fit more into the total number of frames of a honey super than another colony is if they give themselves a tighter bee space.

Basically you have to judge it on the total honey of a full honey super rather than individual frames. They will always vary.


If you have a colony like @Webclan has with bees that “give themselves a tighter bee space” then the whole super should contain more honey. Therefore each full super a colony produces will also always vary in weight of honey as well as each frame within that super. Fascinating.

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image This is my first year beekeeping and I have 2 Flow Hive setups. This is a frame on the honey super of the Flow Hive after 45 days of starting my bee hives. I’m really happy! Checkout my facebook page to see more pictures www.purdiegoodhoney.com (I’m not selling anything, its just where I keep my pics of my progress)


Fabulous. Congratulations! :sunglasses:


That is an A+ frame of honey, something to be proud of and just about ready to harvest. A great result.


That looks amazing @Tim_Purdie!!! So exciting :sunglasses::+1: