Was a busy couple days. First I caught a swarm in my neighbours back yard. The next day I watched my hive swarm and grabbed her majesty and her followers.
Have to love reproduction. I have learned a lot in the last little while, and looking forward to the next adventures the lil’ ladies bring me!
It’s Swarm City here in Adelaide just now as well. 12 days ago I had no beehive with bees but many empty hives waiting and ready to go…
Today I own 2 overwintered 5 frame Nucs, 1 split (making new queens) and three Swarms! 6 Colonies in Total! in one day I got 4 of them… and had to turn down a swarm.
One of the swarms came from a beek who caught 20 swarms in 10 days! He offered me two but I didn’t have two nucs ready.
The other two swarms came from a beeks own hives- one is enormous: it was so big it wouldn’t fit into an 8 frame box. It started preparing to re-swarm- but we managed to tempt it to stay by putting a flow super straight onto it. The swarm easily filled both boxes with bees! After just a few days they had built a lot of comb and were bringing in lots of pollen and storing nectar. I will be very interested to see how they deal with the flow frames.
The next swarm is a smallish one- it fit nicely into a five frame nuc.
I am building and wax dipping more hives to prepare for more bees to come- I hope to have 10-15+ colonies by seasons end- and may even make some autumn splits to have even more next year. I now need an apiary management app! Yay!
Just today the weather turned for the better- the bees were out in force and veritable streams of pollen were going back into every hive. It looks as if this will be a record season in Adelaide after all this spring rain.